Mannschaft Magazin

“Vom Spagat zwischen den Kulturen” 
Illustrations for an essay by Greg Zwygart about coming out in Europe and Asia, 2024

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Illustration for SZ's Kinderseiten am Wochenende - "Happy Birthday, Demokratie!", 2024

House in Porto (5)

Collage on Paper, 2023
20x20 cm

Part of the group show “BIBÓ PORTO“ at Ó! Galeria, Porto

Hamburg, Nacht

Collage, 2022

Concept and illustrations for “Ein Schuh, ein Schiff, ein Haus!” Heft Nr. 3

Concept and design: Xiaole Zhang
Editing: Simoné Lechner
Print: Risofort

Ermöglicht durch das Kulturamt Essen, 2022

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Illustration for SZ's Kinderseiten am Wochenende - "Schnuppen gucken", 2022

Limoeiro Real

Cover illustration for Limoeiro Real Volume II, 2022

Kitsuné Musique

Various collages for New, Hot & Fresh August single releases by Kitsuné Musique, 2022  

Concept and illustrations for the first publication with Kinderkunstworkshops “Ein Schuh, ein Schiff, ein Haus!”
Concept and design: Xiaole Zhang
Kulturamt Essen, 2021

Long Walks

Personal illustration, 2021

Thinking About You

Paper Collage, 2021

Showing at CARTAS DE AMOR / LOVE LETTERS xmas collective show Ó! Galeria in Porto, Portugal.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Illustration for SZ's Kinderseiten am Wochenende - "Gut gespielt!", 2021


Collage, 2021

Bike Tour

Collage, 2021


Collage, 2020


For WePresent, 2020

Bayerische Staatsoper

For MAX JOSEPH Magazin, 2020

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Illustration for SZ's Kinderseiten am Wochenende - "Distanz-Tanz", 2020

At Night

Collage, 2019


Collage, 2019


Papercutting, 2019

Part of the exhibition “Heimat” in Casa Tinta and Fabrik der Künste

Konfuzius Institut

Cover and illustrations for the new year's issue Konfuzius Institut Magazin, 2018

Xmas card

Risograph Xmas card, 2018

Summer is almost over

Collage, 2018

Histórias Ajudaris

Illustration to accompany the story  'Descoberta de sapos e rãs nos arredores de Aljezur'
written by children about discovering frogs in the outskirts of Aljezur, 2018

Lichthof Theater

Postcard flyer for the play "Macht Macbeth" at Lichthof Theater, 2018

Heute habe ich frei

A book about relaxation and doing nothing, 2017

Winner of Ilustrarte 2018 International Biennial of Illustration, Portugal
Nominated for Hans-Meid-Preis 2017
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